
Human Resources Policy

Efficiency, development, human orientation, customer satisfaction, trust, cooperation, ethical and moral values, and social responsibility are the basic concepts that make up our human resources policy.

As a company, it is obvious that we prioritize human resources. Our main values ​​are;

  • Ensuring the employment of the right personnel in the right positions,
  • Evaluating our existing human resources first for new positions,
  • Suiting the knowledge and abilities of our employees. to ensure that they are included in the units,
  • Creating family awareness by keeping the morale and motivation of our employees at the highest level,
  • Supporting the development of our employees and making their development permanent,
  • Worker health To create a perfect and peaceful working environment in terms of occupational safety and security,
  • To create a trust-based cooperation with individuals who are responsible towards society, nature and the environment,
  • To protect and develop all personal rights of our personnel,

These values ​​form the basis of our human resources policy, and while implementing all these, we adopt the principle of "investing in people, investing in society".

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Human Resources Form

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